University Sector
Legal Sector
- The Law Firm of Franklin & Franklin
- The Law Firm of Overland & Robitaille
- Corporation Center
- Greenspoon Perreault
Services Sector
- Flagship Courier Services
- SuperShip Courier Services
- Saronet Commercial Cleaning
- Lazer Express Transport
- Tom Caplan Counselling / Psychotherapy
- Jewish Experience
- YTLC Accounting
- JDM Consultation Inc.
Automotive Sector
- Lease Busters
- Roues de Location
- AutoCare
- Ecovitre
Real Estate / Construction Sector
- Moteli Property Management
- Vinny Construction
- Skyline Holdings
- Algo Development
- Anker Construction
Manufacturing Sector
- Young Scene Sportswear
- Solarol Commercial Shading Systems
- Kitchen Orange
- Linereview
- Dusco Doors
- J.F.Rey
- Tornado Plastics
Distribution Sector
- Olympia Tubes
- North East Tubes
- RF Microwave
- Crystal Clear
- Canadian Optical Supply Company
- Branco Inc.
Internet Sector
- Budget Website Services
- Website Promotion Center
- Promo Center International